I’ve always loved the idea and look of paper planners, and even though I’ve tried to use one countless times, I couldn’t make it work for me. I have a boneyard of outdated planners. My biggest problem was just remembering to use it! By default, I use my phone calendar because my phone is always with me. One day, I came across the concept of digital planning and thought THIS is what I’ve been looking for! It’s the perfect combination- pretty planners, but in a digital form so I could always have it with me. My mission was clear: I would create my own customized planner and everything in my life would magically fall into place. Spoiler alert: it didn’t.
I was soon fully immersed in YouTube videos on how to make and design my own planner. In my excitement, I sent a video to a close friend who also loves tech and pretty things to see if she had heard of it. I just knew it would pull her in as well. I was right. You should see our text thread as I coaxed her down the rabbit hole with me- it's a pretty funny exchange.
This amazing friend created a digital homeschooling planner for herself as she embarks on that journey this school year and is allowing me to share it with you! Sheridan Broderick is the woman behind WildChildCustomVinyl, an amazing graphic designer and web designer. Seriously, so talented. She’s thought of everything with this planner and made it super cute to look at with a colorful chevron background.

Each tab is linked so it’s literally like flipping through the pages of a paper planner. You can even add/remove pages as needed. Download the GoodNotes app on your iPad or tablet, grab an Apple Pencil or other stylus and you’re ready to go! Smartphones work too, there's just going to be a lot of pinching and zooming going on. Your smartphone is handy to use when you’re on the go, but a tablet is probably going to make you the most successful. Download the planner here. If you're new to digital planning, there are TONS of helpful YouTube tutorials out there to help you out.
And while the digital planning didn’t work out for me this time, there’s no doubt I’ll try again. And probably with this planner too since my kiddos will be doing distance learning as well for at least the next few months. Thanks so much for sharing it with us, Sheridan! If you're ready to spruce up your homeschool or distance learning space, check out the new SayAnything back-to-school collection here.